Soul Plan.
A Soul Plan reading is based on your name. The name you were given, that is written on your birth certificate. Every letter of the alphabet has its own energy, its own sound vibration.
This has its roots in the ancient text Sefer Yetzirah which was translated by Blue Marsden. It also contains information channelled by Frank Ampler from the 1930s up to 2007.
The name that you were given is the name already chosen and it has within it your soul plan – what the soul really needs to grow. It’s about seeing the challenges and how to work with those challenges instead of against them. This kind of reading can show you where your mind may be working against what your soul wants, and can give guidance as to what your natural abilities are.
Gina needs your full name in advance, which she will then work through: this can take her an hour or so. Once this part of the chart has been studied then your telephone consultation will follow, which can take a further hour. During the consultation, Gina will talk you through the chart. A copy of the chart will be emailed or posted to you.
A Soul Plan can really open you up to the patterns you have followed, some not so positive ones. It can give you information on how to alter patterns of negative thought forms that could be inhibiting you. These readings are uplifting, insightful and give you guidance on what your potential qualities are and where you are going.
Soul Plan readings can take place on a one-to-one basis in person or remotely via WhatsApp video call, Facebook Messenger, FaceTime or a landline.
Soul Plan | 120 mins (comprised of 1 hour advance preparation by Gina and 1 hour one-to-one session | £115

“I always find Gina extremely polite, conscientious and thorough. Her readings are extremely sensitive and illuminating and delivered in a lovely manner. She is also an extremely discreet person who I can trust 100 per cent. I have recommended Gina to many friends who all agree she is fantastic at what she does, and she has enriched our lives in many ways.”